Don't forget to add these lines to your .ini files: Find your Unreal.ini or UnrealTournament.ini file located in your system folder and add these lines under the OpenGl list: RefreshRate=75 (or whatever your monitor is set at) DetailTextures=1 UseTrilinear=1 UseS3TC=1 UseTNT=0 LODBias=0 UseMultiTexture=1 UsePalette=1 UseAlphaPalette=0 Translucency=1 VolumetricLighting=1 ShinySurfaces=1 Coronas=1 HighDetailActors=1 MaxAnisotropy=0 AlwaysMipMap=0 UsePrecache=0 SupportsLazyTextures=0 After you do this you can now go onto disc 2 in UT and copy the S3 compressed textures to your textures folder.